Word Typesetting is Important

When did you think Word typesetting is important?We have asked many users when they thought Word software or editor is important.

Most of the answer made us feel surprised. One of the users named Lisa Ho said It seems too late to study this powerful software when she found the importance of the Document Editor Pro. Everyone laughed at her typesetting of the word document after she handed in her homework. Since then she determined to learn Document Editor Pro Software well. On the one hand, she will be able to get a good job after graduation ,on the other hand, her classmates will regard her with favor.

Now let’s learn some details about characters and typesetting. When composing a large document or a book, the same typesetting work is required for all the texts and paragraphs.If you only use the functions of font and paragraph formatting,you’ll find it is time-consuming and difficult to make the document formats with correspondence.Utilizing typesetting can reduce many repetitive operations. You can edit high-quality documents in a short time.Word typesetting  refers to a set of named characters and paragraph formats, which specifies the format of title, annotation, and text in the document . Users can apply one typesetting to a certain paragraph or characters they selected. Moreover,the selected paragraph or character has the format defined by this typesetting.

If users would like to change all the characters’ format ,what they need do is change the typesetting only. Namely,you only have to revise the attribute of the typesetting. According to all the content above,we get to know the advantages of typesetting bellow:

  • Make the format of the document easier to consolidate.
  • The outline can be structured and make the document organized and easy to edit.
  • Typesetting can be used to generate catalogs

Content Structure and Color Assortment are vital

Firstly ,reasonable content structure requires that the content of the document is accurate and the graphics should be relative with content. Secondly,combine the same contents into one paragraph and expand them in sequence according to the content structure. Thirdly, For classified content, you can use bullets and numbers to enumerate, but the styles of bullets and numbers in the same document should be identical, and do not mix them, otherwise it will make readers get confused.

The visual stimulation of color can convey information to readers immediately. Followed by visual is the shape and other attributes, so the color assortment is the key to evaluating whether the document looks good enough. Colour tone itself can’t be divided into the good and the bad. That is to say,the optimum efficiency of color display depends on the Color Assortment. So how can we assort color to assure that the document content is a delight to readers’ eye? Please dead bellow.

Reasonable text font

The font of the text affects the aesthetics of the document. Furthermore,it is an essential factor to evaluate whether the document looks fine .

Pay attention to the following points when using fonts.

  • Never use the same font when both English and Chinese are in one document.
  • Don’t use too many font styles in the text.
  • Choose suitable fonts according to the audience and the purpose of the document.

We hope your text will be satisfactory after reading this article.